TfSC’s Perspective on Health Promotion:
For the holistic well-being of society, robust, direct education on health is indispensable. Knowledgeable individuals can actively engage and understand health initiatives’ distinctions. Through our REACH Model, interactive theatre, and capacity-building, we aim to harmonize health information dissemination and foster understanding over the next 8 years.

Key Objectives:

  • Foster training and awareness in health initiatives.
  • Collaborate closely with the Ghana Health Service and partners to boost public health.
  • Support emergency health interventions and boost service efficiency.
  • Educate, guide, and assist the public in adopting health advancements.
  • Prioritize vulnerable and marginalized communities in health service delivery

Strategic Approach:

TfSC, with its distinctive SBC REACH Model and Interactive/Legislative Theatre techniques, adopts a strategic, methodical, and consultative approach:

  • Educate the Public:
    • Objective: Foster a well-informed community that understands the importance of public health initiatives.
    • Methods: Use interactive theatre and community focus group discussions to provide clarity on the objectives and potential outcomes of health programmes.
    • Outcome: A more informed populace capable of proactive engagement in health initiatives.
  • Consultation with the Public:
    • Objective: Understand community sentiments, knowledge levels, and attitudes towards public health measures.
    • Methods: Host regular CFGDs, allowing open dialogue between community members and health experts. These discussions also act as platforms to address misconceptions.
    • Outcome: Tailored health initiatives that resonate with community sentiments.
  • Identify Knowledge and Communication Gaps:
    • Objective: Ascertain areas of public health that require intensified communication or intervention.
    • Methods: Surveys, Behaviour Change Workshops, and feedback from Interactive Theatre Performances can pinpoint these gaps.
    • Outcome: Improved communication strategies and more targeted health interventions.
  • Collaborate with Ghana Health Services:
    • Objective: Enhance the efficiency and impact of public health programmes.
    • Methods: Regular consultations, combined assessments, and joint initiatives ensure collaborative action.
    • Outcome: Comprehensive and robust health programmes with wide-reaching impact.
  • Public Involvement in Decision-making:
    • Objective: Foster a sense of ownership and inclusivity in health initiatives.
    • Methods: Public forums, feedback sessions after theatre performances, and participatory planning workshops encourage community members to share their thoughts and be part of the decision-making process.
    • Outcome: Health programmes that reflect community needs and aspirations.
  • Gather Feedback:
    • Objective: Understand the tangible and intangible effects of health interventions on the community.
    • Methods: Post-intervention surveys, focused group discussions, and interactive sessions provide insight into community sentiments and health outcomes.
    • Outcome: Informed adjustments to future interventions based on real-world feedback.
  • Enhancing Accessibility to Health Services:
    • Objective: Ensure that everyone, especially vulnerable groups, has unhindered access to health services.
    • Methods: Workshops on health rights, liaising with service providers for outreach programmes, and promoting mobile health services can bridge the accessibility gap.
    • Outcome: A community where everyone, irrespective of their socio-economic status, can access quality health services.
  • Continuous Feedback Mechanism:
    • Objective: Maintain a dynamic relationship with the community, adjusting to their evolving needs.
    • Methods: Regular public interactions, feedback sessions, and community health assessments ensure that the health programmes remain relevant and effective.
    • Outcome: Sustainable health programmes that evolve with the community’s needs.

By following this comprehensive approach, TfSC aims to foster a healthier, more informed, and proactive community in Ghana.