Empowering children and protecting their rights is at the heart of a prosperous society. By instilling robust measures at individual, familial, communal, and societal levels, we strive to cultivate an environment where children in Ghana are safeguarded from abuse, neglect, and any form of violence. Through our 8-year strategic plan, TfSC pledges its commitment to the protection of over 300,000 children, ensuring that they thrive, unburdened by exploitation, and are free to dream and realize their potential.

Key Points/Main Objectives:

  • Equip communities and parents with knowledge, skills, and a robust support framework, enriched with economic incentives.
  • Engage at grassroots levels, changing societal norms which compromise children’s fundamental rights.
  • Foster personal skills in children, such as self-confidence, communication, and decision-making, enabling them to stand up for themselves.
  • Influence the legislative landscape to ensure children’s rights are safeguarded.
  • Champion for adequate public funding dedicated to child protection initiatives in Ghana.

How To Execute This Vision:

TfSC is dedicated to disseminating enhanced understanding and awareness, altering perceptions and behaviours, and reuniting communities. By intertwining education, health, and poverty alleviation strategies, we confront child rights violations head-on. Through the innovative SBC REACH Model, interactive theatre, and meticulous capacity building, we target the root causes that jeopardize child safety, specifically addressing grave concerns such as child trafficking, child labour, early marriages, and other forms of violence.

  • Ignite a continuous community dialogue and campaigns, bolstering awareness and preventive measures.
  • Support community transformation by challenging detrimental norms and endorsing child-positive behaviours.
  • Establish and reinforce robust reporting channels for child abuse, neglect, and exploitation incidents.
  • Offer unparalleled support to families that are exceptionally vulnerable, ensuring they remain out of harm’s way.
  • Cultivate life skills in children, enabling them to be protective shields for themselves and their peers.
  • Champion positive parenting and discipline through community education and support.
  • Engage children, through participatory methodologies, to ensure they are confident self-advocates.
  • Mandate stringent enforcement of relevant laws, policies, and standards, addressing critical child protection challenges.
  • Construct and execute an advocacy blueprint targeting government and private entities, securing their support for child protection initiatives.